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E-store security: Modules

Each webstore needs additional modules that add different functionalities.

Modules are often one of the biggest security risks, so we always recommend that you either buy modules from reputable vendors who are also constantly offering new versions and thoroughly testing their modules, or build the module or add-on you need yourself.

With lesser-known sellers, often the biggest problem is that they are either unwilling to help you or the process takes a long time, which can be detrimental to the functioning of you webstore.

In addition to our own modules, we recommend Amasty solutions.

When purchasing a module:

  • read the module description thoroughly
  • check out screenshots
  • check the demo of the module (if there is no mention of it, ask the author of the module, it is often available)
  • make sure it is compatible with the version of the e-shop you are using
  • read customer feedback, if necessary search for more information on the internet
  • communicate directly with the module provider if you cannot find an answer to a question (email, chat).

Modules you might need, for example: Payment Methods, Delivery Methods, Chat, etc.

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